Welcome to the Franklin Faraday Group

In this article you can read about who we are and what we do.

You can also subscribe to our newsletter, Franklin Faraday Insights.

We invite you to contact us about your interests, including working with us.

"Not only do you not know what the puzzle is supposed to be, you don't even know how many pieces are missing!"

Strategic Advisory

Our Strategic Advisory services help financial and C-suite executives solve difficult science and technology problems.

Examples of our services include:

  • Guided introductions to appropriate key industry leaders (both the who and the how as well as mistakes to avoid.)
  • Market, technology, and features analysis for investments, product development, potential partners, customer surveys, competitive intelligence, etc.
  • Internal corporate policies and governance, especially related to training, data, and security matters.

Certain tasks are better performed under attorney-client privilege, and we have the necessary partnerships in place to perform this work.

We are not the team to configure your firewalls and outlook servers; however, if this is the level of service you require, we can arrange introductions or the appropriate partnerships.

Technology and Common Sense™

Throwing money at a technology problem rarely works; yet, entire ecosystems and incentive structures (especially in large corporations and governments) encourage this exact behavior.

In almost all cases—and particularly those connected to security—the people are more important than the technology. Many solutions brief well, but in reality they are just "squeezing the balloon" and moving the issue from one place to another.

We named our firm the "Franklin Faraday Group" in homage to the scientific and technological expertise of Michael Faraday balanced with the common sense wisdom of Benjamin Franklin.

"The secret is comprised in three words: Work, Finish, Publish."
—Michael Faraday

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest"
—Benjamin Franklin

Our Team

The Franklin Faraday Group provides access to key experts that our clients cannot find elsewhere. Almost all of our team members have at least two decades of experience in their chosen fields. Some are very well known; others are only known in their specific niche.

Our areas of expertise cover the range of science and technology subjects, particularly (but not exclusively) topics related to IT, cyber, and defense, as well as the impact of technology on strategy and leadership issues. A number of our team members have prior military, government, or law enforcement experience, including overseas work.

Since ancient times, a lightning bolt has symbolized sudden illumination and the destruction of ignorance. Our logo's lightning bolt also alludes to Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment. The depiction of Michael Faraday's first transformer symbolizes the transfer of power and knowledge.